Accessing Field-level Data in a Specific Record

To access field level data in a specific record, the recordset indexing capability must be used to select a single record. The SORT function and recordset filters are useful in selecting and ordering the recordset so that the appropriate record can be selected.


WorstCard := SORT(Cards,Std.Scoring);
MyValue   := EVALUATE(WorstCard[1],Std.Utilization);
 // WorstCard[1] uses indexing to get the first record
 // in the sort order, then evaluates that record
 // returning the Std.Utilization value

ValidBalTrades := trades(ValidMoney(trades.trd_bal));
HighestBals := SORT(ValidBalTrades,-trades.trd_bal);
Highest_HC := EVALUATE(HighestBals[1],trades.trd_hc);
 //return trd_hc field of the trade with the highest balance
 // could also be coded as (using indexing):
 // Highest_HC := HighestBals[1].trades.trd_hc;

 //output that Highest_HC for each person
 //This output operates at the scope of the Person record
 // EVALUATE is needed to get the value from a Trades record
 // because Trades is a Child of Person

IsValidInd := trades.trd_ind_code IN ['FM','RE'];
IsMortgage := IsValidInd OR trades.trd_rate = 'G';
SortedTrades := SORT(trades(ValidDate(trades.trd_dopn),isMortgage),
CurrentRate := MAP(~EXISTS(SortedTrades) => ' ',
                   EVALUATE(SortedTrades[1], trades.trd_rate));


See Also: SORT