External Services

SERVICE Structure

servicename := SERVICE [ : defaultkeywords ]

prototype : keywordlist;


servicenameThe name of the service the SERVICE structure provides.
defaultkeywordsOptional. A comma-delimited list of default keywords and their values shared by all prototypes in the external service.
prototypeThe ECL name and prototype of a specific function.
keywordlistA comma-delimited list of keywords and their values that tell the ECL compiler how to access the external service.

The SERVICE structure makes it possible to create external services to extend the capabilities of ECL to perform any desired functionality. These external system services are implemented as exported functions in a .SO (Shared Object). An ECL system service .SO can contain one or more services and (possibly) a single .SO initialization routine.


  email := SERVICE
    simpleSend( STRING address,
            STRING template,
            STRING subject) : LIBRARY='ecl2cw',
  MyAttr := COUNT(Trades): FAILURE(email.simpleSend('help@ln_risk.com',
                          'COUNT failure'));
  //An example of a SERVICE function returning a structured record
  NameRecord := RECORD
    STRING5 title;
    STRING20 fname;
    STRING20 mname;
    STRING20 lname;
    STRING5 name_suffix;
    STRING3 name_score;
  LocalAddrCleanLib := SERVICE
  NameRecord dt(CONST STRING name, CONST STRING server = 'x')
    : c,entrypoint='aclCleanPerson73',pure;
  MyRecord := RECORD
    UNSIGNED id;
    STRING uncleanedName;
    NameRecord Name;
  x := DATASET('x', MyRecord, THOR);
  myRecord t(myRecord L) := TRANSFORM
      SELF.Name := LocalAddrCleanLib.dt(L.uncleanedName);
      SELF := L;
  y := PROJECT(x, t(LEFT));

  //The following two examples define the same functions:
  TestServices1 := SERVICE
    member(CONST STRING src)
      : holertl,library='test',entrypoint='member',ctxmethod;
    takesContext1(CONST STRING src)
      : holertl,library='test',entrypoint='takesContext1',context;
      : holertl,library='test',entrypoint='takesContext2',context;
    STRING takesContext3()
      : holertl,library='test',entrypoint='takesContext3',context;
  //this form demonstrates the use of default keywords
  TestServices2 := SERVICE : holert,library='test'
    member(CONST STRING src) : entrypoint='member',ctxmethod;
    takesContext1(CONST STRING src) : entrypoint='takesContext1',context;
    takesContext2() : entrypoint='takesContext2',context;
    STRING takesContext3() : entrypoint='takesContext3',context;

See Also: External Service Implementation, CONST