Recordset Filtering

Filters are conditional expressions contained within the parentheses following the Dataset or Record Set name. Multiple filter conditions may be specified by separating each filter expression with a comma (,). All filter conditions separated by commas must be TRUE for a record to be included, which makes the comma an implicit AND operator (see Logical Operators) in this context only.

MyRecordSet := Person(per_last_name >= 'T', per_last_name < 'U');
     // MyRecordSet contains people whose last name begins with "T"
     // the comma is an implicit AND while also functioning as
     // an expression separator (implicit parentheses)

MyRecordSet := Person(per_last_name >= 'T' AND per_last_name < 'U');
// exactly the same logical expression as above

RateGE7trds := Trades(trd_rate >= '7');

ValidTrades := Trades(NOT rmsTrade.Mortgage AND
                      NOT rmsTrade.HasNarrative(rmsTrade.snClosed));

Boolean definitions should be used as recordset filters for maximum flexibility, readability and re-usability instead of hard-coding in a Record Set definition. For example, use:

IsRevolv := trades.trd_type = 'R'
                OR (~ValidType(trades.trd_type)
                   AND trades.trd_acct[1] IN ['4','5','6']);
isBank := trades.trd_ind_code IN SetBankIndCodes;

IsBankCard := IsBank AND IsRevolv;

WithinDate(INTEGER1 months) := ValidDate(trades.trd_drpt) AND
                               trades.trd_drpt_mos <= months;

BankCardTrades := trades(isBankCard AND WithinDate(6));

instead of:

BankCardTrades := trades(trades.trd_ind_code IN SetBankIndCodes,
                                         (trades.trd_type = 'R' OR
                                         (~ValidType(trades.trd_type) AND
                                         trades.trd_acct[1] IN ['4', '5', '6'])),
                                         trades.trd_drpt_mos <= 6);

Commas used to separate filter conditions in a recordset filter definition act as both an implicit AND operation and a set of parentheses around the individual filters being separated. This results in a tighter binding than if AND is used instead of a comma without parentheses. For example, the filter expression in this definition::

BankMortTrades := trades(isBankCard OR isMortgage, isOpen);

is evaluated as if it were written:

(isBankCard OR isMortgage) AND isOpen

and not as:

isBankCard OR isMortgage AND isOpen