
STD.Str.ExtractMultiple( source, instance )

STD.Uni.ExtractMultiple( source, instance )

sourceA string containing a comma-delimited list of data.
mask A bitmask specifying the ordinal position of the data item within the source to return where bit 0 is item 1, bit 1 is item 2, etc..
Return: ExtractMultiple returns either a STRING or UNICODE value, as appropriate.

The ExtractMultiple function returns the data at the bitmask positions specified by the mask within the comma-delimited source string., where bit 0 is item 1, bit 1 is item 2, etc.


MyTestString:= 'You, only, live, twice';
STD.Str.ExtractMultiple(MyTestString, 0b10011 ); //returns 'You, only'