The importance of ETL for Machine Learning on Big Data
As I was preparing the Keynote that I delivered at World-Comp’12, about Machine Learning on the HPCC Systems platform, it occurred to me that it was important to remark that when dealing with big data and machine learning, most of the time and effort is usually spent on the data ETL (Extraction, Transformation and Loading) and feature extraction process, and not on the specific learning algorithm applied. The main reason is that while, for example, selecting a particular classifier over another could raise your F score by a few percentage points, not selecting the correct features, or failing to cleanse and normalize the data properly can decrease the overall effectiveness and increase the learning error dramatically.
This process can be especially challenging when the data used to train the model, in the case of supervised learning, or that needs to be subject to the clustering algorithm, in the case of, for example, a segmentation problem, is large. Profiling, parsing, cleansing, normalizing, standardizing and extracting features from large datasets can be extremely time consuming without the right tools. To make things worse, it can be very inefficient to move data during the process, just because the ETL portion is performed on a system different to the one executing the machine learning algorithms.
While all these operations can be parallelized across entire datasets to reduce the execution time, there don’t seem to be many cohesive options available to the open source community. Most (or all) open source solutions tend to focus on one aspect of the process, and there are entire segments of it, such as data profiling, where there seem to be no options at all.
Fortunately, the HPCC Systems platform includes all these capabilities, together with a comprehensive data workflow management system. Dirty data ingested on Thor can be profiled, parsed, cleansed, normalized and standardized in place, using either ECL, or some of the higher level tools available, such as SALT (see this earlier post) and Pentaho Kettle (see this page). And the same tools provide for distributed feature extraction and several distributed machine learning algorithms, making the HPCC Systems platform the open source one stop shop for all your big data analytics needs.
If you want to know more, head over to our HPCC Systems Machine Learning page and take a look for yourself.
Flavio Villanustre