LOOP( dataset [ ,loopcount ][ ,loopfilter ][ ,loopcondition ] , loopbody [, UNORDERED | ORDERED( bool ) ] [, STABLE | UNSTABLE ] [,ALGORITHM( name ) ][, FEW] )

datasetThe record set to process.
loopcountOptional. An integer expression specifying the number of times to iterate.
loopfilterOptional. A Boolean expression that must be a record filter for the dataset identifying records whose processing is not yet complete. Records filtered out are complete, therefore immediately placed into the final result set. This evaluation occurs prior to each iteration of the loopbody.
loopconditionOptional. A Boolean expression that continues loopbody iteration while TRUE. This can be any logical expression.
loopbodyThe operation to iteratively perform. This might be a PROJECT, JOIN, a function, or any other such operation. ROWS(LEFT) is always used as a parameter to the loopbody operation, passing the current form of the dataset as the input parameter for each iteration.
UNORDEREDOptional. Specifies the output record order is not significant.
ORDEREDSpecifies the significance of the output record order.
boolWhen False, specifies the output record order is not significant. When True, specifies the default output record order.
STABLEOptional. Specifies the input record order is significant.
UNSTABLEOptional. Specifies the input record order is not significant.
ALGORITHMOptional. Override the algorithm used for this activity.
nameThe algorithm to use for this activity. Must be from the list of supported algorithms for the SORT function's STABLE and UNSTABLE options.
FEWOptional. Indicates that activities will not require a large amount of memory. This may reduce the number of subgraphs generated within a LOOP which reduces overhead. Use only on Thor queries.
Return:LOOP returns a record set.

The LOOP function iteratively performs the loopbody operation. The COUNTER keyword is implicitly available for use to return the current iteration.

The loopcount, loopfilter, and loopcondition parameters are all optional, but at least one of the three must be present.

For each successive iteration, the input dataset (expressed as ROWS(LEFT) as the parameter to the loopbody) is the result set of the previous iteration after application of any loopfilter. The final result of the LOOP returns all records that completed processing, no matter which iteration that completion occurred (not just the result set from the final iteration).


namesRec := RECORD  
  STRING20 lname;
  STRING10 fname;
  UNSIGNED2 age := 25;
  UNSIGNED2 ctr := 0;
namesTable := DATASET([{'Flintstone','Fred',35},
                       {'Mr. T','Z-man'}], namesRec);
BodyFunc(DATASET(namesRec) ds, UNSIGNED4 c) :=
                    SELF.age := LEFT.age*c;
                    SELF.ctr := COUNTER*c ;
                    SELF := LEFT));

/* Form 1 -- LOOP(ds, loopcount, loopbody) 
   Processes loopcount times, basically a "for loop" construct.

   This example also demonstrates the two possible scopes of the COUNTER 
   keyword within a LOOP: 
   * The COUNTER in the LOOP function (passed to BodyFunc) is the number 
     of iterations the LOOP has done.
   * The COUNTER in the TRANSFORM for the PROJECT in the BodyFunc counts 
     the number of records processed by the current iteration of PROJECT. 
Form1 := LOOP(namesTable, 
              2,                    //iterate 2 times
              ROWS(LEFT) & BodyFunc(ROWS(LEFT),COUNTER)); //16 rows

/* Form 2 -- LOOP(ds, loopfilter, loopbody) 
   Continues processing while the loopfilter expression is TRUE for any 
   records in ROWS(LEFT). This is basically a "while loop" construct. The 
   loopfilter expression is evaluated on the entire set of ROWS(LEFT) 
   records prior to each iteration. 
Form2 := LOOP(namesTable,
              LEFT.age < 100, //process only recs where TRUE
                                SELF.age := LEFT.age*2;
                                SELF     := LEFT)));

/* Form 3 -- LOOP(ds, loopcondition, loopbody) 
   Continues processing while the loopcondition expression is TRUE.
   This is basically a "while loop" construct. The loopcondition expression 
   is evaluated on the entire set of ROWS(LEFT) records prior to each 
Form3 := LOOP(namesTable,
              SUM(ROWS(LEFT), age) < 1000 * COUNTER,
                                SELF.age := LEFT.age*2;
                                SELF     := LEFT)));

/* Form 4 --  LOOP(ds, loopcount, loopfilter, loopbody)
   Processes loopcount times, with the loopfilter expression
   defining when each record continues to process through the loopbody 
   expression. This is basically a "for loop" construct with a filter 
   specifying which records are processed each iteration.
Form4 := LOOP(namesTable,
              LEFT.age < 100,            //process only recs where TRUE
              BodyFunc(ROWS(LEFT), COUNTER));

/* Form 5 -- LOOP(ds, loopcount, loopcondition, loopbody) 
   Processes loopcount times, with the loopcondition expression
   defining the set of records that continue to process through the loopbody 
   expression. This is basically a "for loop" construct with a filter 
   specifying the record set processed for each iteration.

   This example also demonstrates the two possible scopes of the COUNTER 
   keyword within a LOOP: 
   * The COUNTER in the LOOP function's loopfilter expression is the number 
     of recursive iterations the LOOP has done.
   * The COUNTER in the TRANSFORM for the PROJECT counts the number of records 
     processed by the current iteration of PROJECT. 
Form5 := LOOP(namesTable,
              10,                        //iterate 10 times
              LEFT.age * COUNTER <= 200, //process only recs where TRUE
                                SELF.age := LEFT.age*2,
                                SELF.ctr := COUNTER,
                                SELF := LEFT)));

/* Form 6 -- LOOP(ds, loopfilter, loopcondition, loopbody)
   Continues processing while the loopcondition expression is TRUE.
   Records where the loopfilter expression is TRUE continue processing. 
   This is basically a "while loop" construct with individual record 
   processing continuation logic. 
Form6 := LOOP(namesTable,
              LEFT.age < 100,
              EXISTS(ROWS(LEFT)) and SUM(ROWS(LEFT), age) < 1000,
              BodyFunc(ROWS(LEFT), COUNTER));

/* Form 7 -- LOOP(ds, loopcount, loopfilter, loopcondition, loopbody)
   Continues processing while the loopcondition expression is TRUE.
   Records where the loopfilter expression is TRUE continue processing. 
   This is basically a "while loop" construct with individual record 
   processing continuation logic. 
Form7 := LOOP(namesTable,
              LEFT.age < 100,
              EXISTS(ROWS(LEFT)) and SUM(ROWS(LEFT), age) < 1000,
              BodyFunc(ROWS(LEFT), COUNTER));

See Also: GRAPH