REGEXREPLACE(regex, text, replacement [, NOCASE])
regex | A standard Perl regular expression. |
text | The text to parse. |
replacement | The replacement text. In this string, $0 refers to the substring that matched the regex pattern, and $1, $2, $3... match the first, second, third... groups in the pattern. |
NOCASE | Optional. Specifies a case insensitive search. |
Return: | REGEXREPLACE returns a single value. |
The REGEXREPLACE function uses the regex to parse through the text and find matches, then replace them with the replacement string. The regex must be a standard Perl regular expression.
We use a third-party library -- Perl-compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE2) to support this. See for details on the PCRE2 pattern syntax.
REGEXREPLACE('(.a)t', 'the cat sat on the mat', '$1p');
REGEXREPLACE(u'(.a)t', u'the cat sat on the mat', u'$1p');
// both of these examples return 'the cap sap on the map'
inrec := {STRING10 str, UNICODE10 ustr};
inset := DATASET([{'She', u'Eins'}, {'Sells', u'Zwei'},
{'Sea', u'Drei'}, {'Shells', u'Vier'}], inrec);
outrec := {STRING10 orig, STRING10 withcase, STRING10
wocase,UNICODE10 uorig,UNICODE10 uwithcase,UNICODE10 uwocase};
outrec trans(inrec l) := TRANSFORM
SELF.orig := l.str;
SELF.withcase := REGEXREPLACE('s', l.str, 'f');
SELF.wocase := REGEXREPLACE('s', l.str, 'f', NOCASE);
SELF.uorig := l.ustr;
SELF.uwithcase := REGEXREPLACE(u'e', l.ustr, u'\u00EB');
SELF.uwocase := REGEXREPLACE(u'e', l.ustr, u'\u00EB',NOCASE);
OUTPUT(PROJECT(inset, trans(LEFT)));
/* the result set is:
orig withcase wocase uorig uwithcase uwocase
She She fhe Eins Eins \xc3\xabins
Sells Sellf fellf Zwei Zw\xc3\xabi Zw\xc3\xabi
Sea Sea fea Drei Dr\xc3\xabi Dr\xc3\xabi
Shells Shellf fhellf Vier Vi\xc3\xabr Vi\xc3\xabr */