#WEBSERVICE( [FIELDS(fieldlist),][HELP(helptext),][DESCRIPTION(descriptiontext),] );
The #WEBSERVICEstatement sets options for the input parameters on a WsECL Web form for a published query.
HELP('Enter Integer Values'),
DESCRIPTION('If AddThem is TRUE, this adds the two integers'));
Field1 := 1 : Stored('Field1');
Field2 := 2 :Stored('Field2');
AddThem := TRUE :STORED ('AddThem');
HiddenValue := 12 :STORED ('HiddenValue'); //not in fieldlist, won't display on WsECl form
IF(AddThem,OUTPUT(Field1+Field2),OUTPUT('Not Added'));
#WEBSERVICE(FIELDS('field1','field2','*'));//includes unspecified fields on the WsECL form
See Also: STORED