Generating Child Records

BlankKids := DATASET([{0,'','','','','',0,0,0,0}],

SetLinks  := SET(base_people,PersonID);

SetIndustryCodes := ['BB','DC','ON','FM','FP','FF','FC','FA','FZ',

SetAcctRates := ['1','0','9','*','Z','5','B','2',

SetDateYears := ['1987','1988','1989','1990','1991','1992','1993',

SetMonthDays := [31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31];

SetNarrs     := [229,158,2,0,66,233,123,214,169,248,67,127,168,

Once again, we start by defining a "seed" record for the process as an inline DATASET and several sets of appropriate data for the specific fields. The SET function builds a set of valid PersonID values to use to create the links between the parent and child records.

Layout_Accounts_Link CreateKids(Layout_Accounts_Link L,
                                INTEGER C) := TRANSFORM
  CSZ_IDX       := C % CountCSZ + 1;
  HashVal       := HASH32(SetCity[CSZ_IDX],SetStates[CSZ_IDX],SetZips[CSZ_IDX]);
  DateMonth     := HashVal % 12 + 1;
  SELF.PersonID := CHOOSE(TRUNCATE(C / TotalParents ) + 1,
                          IF(C % 2 = 0,
                             SetLinks[C % TotalParents  + 1],
                             SetLinks[TotalParents - (C % TotalParents )]),
                          IF(C % 3 <> 0,
                             SetLinks[C % TotalParents  + 1],
                             SetLinks[TotalParents  - (C % TotalParents )]),
                          IF(C % 5 = 0,
                             SetLinks[C % TotalParents  + 1],
                             SetLinks[TotalParents  - (C % TotalParents )]),
                          IF(C % 7 <> 0,
                             SetLinks[C % TotalParents  + 1],
                             SetLinks[TotalParents  - (C % TotalParents )]),
                          SetLinks[C % TotalParents  + 1]);
 SELF.Account      := (STRING)HashVal;
 SELF.OpenDate     := SetDateYears[DateMonth] + INTFORMAT(DateMonth,2,1) + 
                          INTFORMAT(HashVal % SetMonthDays[DateMonth]+1,2,1);
 SELF.IndustryCode := SetIndustrycodes[HashVal % 24 + 1];
 SELF.AcctType     := CHOOSE(HashVal%5+1,'O','R','I','9',' ');
 SELF.AcctRate     := SetAcctRates[HashVal % 15 + 1];
 SELF.Code1        := SetNarrs[HashVal % 15 + 1];
 SELF.Code2        := SetNarrs[HashVal % 15 + 16];
 SELF.HighCredit   := HashVal % 50000;
 SELF.Balance      := TRUNCATE((HashVal % 50000) * ((HashVal % 100 + 1) / 100));

base_kids := NORMALIZE( BlankKids,
base_kids_dist := DISTRIBUTE(base_kids,HASH32(PersonID));

This process is similar to the one used for the parent records. This time, instead of passing in a hash value, a local attribute does that work inside the TRANSFORM. Just as before, the hash value is used to select the actual data to go in each field of the record.

The interesting bit here is the expression to determine the PersonID field value. Since we're generating 5,000,000 child records it would be very simple to just give each parent five children. However, real-world data rarely looks like that. Therefore, the CHOOSE function is used to select a different method for each set of a million child records. The first million uses the first IF expression, and the second million uses the second, and so on... This creates a varying number of children for each parent, ranging from one to nine.