Library MODULE Definitions

A query library is a MODULE structure definition that implements a particular library INTERFACE definition. The parameters passed to the MODULE must exactly match the parameters for the library INTERFACE definition, and the MODULE must contain compatible EXPORT attribute definitions for each of the results specified in the library INTERFACE. The LIBRARY option on the MODULE definition specifies the library INTERFACE being implemented. This example defines an implementation for the INTERFACEs above:

FilterDsLib1(DATASET(namesRec) ds,
             STRING search) := MODULE,LIBRARY(FilterLibIface1)
  EXPORT matches := ds(Lname = search);
  EXPORT others := ds(Lname != search);

and for the variety that takes an INTERFACE as its single parameter:

FilterDsLib2(IFilterArgs args) := MODULE,LIBRARY(FilterLibIface2)
  EXPORT matches := args.ds(Lname =;
  EXPORT others := args.ds(Lname !=;