Here is an example of how to nest SuperFiles. This example assumes you have new data coming every day. It also assumes you want to roll up the new data daily and weekly. The following filenames for the new sub-files are declared in the DeclareData MODULE structure attribute:
Creating three more SuperFiles has to be done just once, then you need to add the sub-files to them (this code is contained in SuperFile3.ECL):
IMPORT $; IMPORT Std; SEQUENTIAL( Std.File.CreateSuperFile($.DeclareData.AllPeople), Std.File.CreateSuperFile($.DeclareData.WeeklyFile), Std.File.CreateSuperFile($.DeclareData.DailyFile), Std.File.StartSuperFileTransaction(), Std.File.AddSuperFile($.DeclareData.AllPeople,$.DeclareData.BaseFile), Std.File.AddSuperFile($.DeclareData.AllPeople,$.DeclareData.WeeklyFile), Std.File.AddSuperFile($.DeclareData.AllPeople,$.DeclareData.DailyFile), Std.File.FinishSuperFileTransaction());
Now the AllPeople SuperFile contains the BaseFile, WeeklyFile, and DailyFile Superfiles as sub-files, creating a hierarchy of SuperFiles, only one of which yet contains any actual data. The Base SuperFile contains all the currently known data, as of the time of the build of the logical files. The Weekly and Daily SuperFiles will contain the interim data updates as they come in the door, precluding the need to rebuild the entire database every time a new set of data comes in.
One important caveat to this scheme is that a given actual logical file (real data file) should be contained in exactly one of the nested SuperFiles at a time, otherwise you would have duplicate records in the base SuperFile. Therefore, you have to be careful how you maintain your hierarchy so as not to allow the same logical file to be referenced by more than one of the nested SuperFiles at once, outside of a transaction frame.
As you get new logical files in during the day, you can add them to the Daily SuperFile like this (this code is contained in SuperFile4.ECL):
IMPORT $; IMPORT Std; SEQUENTIAL( Std.File.StartSuperFileTransaction(), Std.File.AddSuperFile($.DeclareData.DailyFile,$.DeclareData.SubFile3), Std.File.FinishSuperFileTransaction());
This appends the ProgGuide.SubFile3 logical file to the list of sub-files in the DailyFile SuperFile. This means that the very next query using the SuperFile1 dataset will be using the very latest up-to-the-minute data.
This dataset declaration is in the DeclareData MODULE structure (contained in the Default module). This declares the nested SuperFile as a DATASET that can be referenced in ECL code:
EXPORT SuperFile2 := DATASET(AllPeople,Layout_Person,FLAT);
Execute the following action:
IMPORT ProgrammersGuide AS PG; COUNT(PG.DeclareData.SuperFile2(PersonID <> 0));
The result of the COUNT should now be 451,000.
Edit the code from SuperFile4.ECL to add in ProgGuide.SubFile4, like this:
IMPORT $; IMPORT Std; SEQUENTIAL( Std.File.StartSuperFileTransaction(), Std.File.AddSuperFile($.DeclareData.DailyFile,$.DeclareData.SubFile4), Std.File.FinishSuperFileTransaction());
Re-running the above COUNT action should now result in 620,000.
Once a day, you can roll all the sub-files up into the WeeklyFile and clear out the DailyFile for the next day's data ingest processing, like this (this code is contained in SuperFile5.ECL):
IMPORT $; IMPORT Std; SEQUENTIAL( Std.File.StartSuperFileTransaction(), Std.File.AddSuperFile($.DeclareData.WeeklyFile,$.DeclareData.DailyFile,,TRUE), Std.File.ClearSuperFile($.DeclareData.DailyFile), Std.File.FinishSuperFileTransaction());
This moves the references to all the sub-files from the DailyFile to the WeeklyFile (the fourth parameter to the AddSuperFile function being TRUE copies the references from one SuperFile to another), then clears out the DailyFile.