Non-Random RANDOM

There are occasions when you need a random number, but once you've gotten it, you want that value to stay the same for the duration of the workunit. For example, the "problem" with this code is that it will OUTPUT three different values (this code is in NonRandomRandom.ECL):

INTEGER1 Rand1 := (RANDOM() % 25) + 1;

To make the "random" value persistent throughout the workunit, you can simply add the STORED Workflow Service to the attribute definition, like this (this code is also in NonRandomRandom.ECL):

INTEGER1 Rand2 := (RANDOM() % 25) + 1 : STORED('MyRandomValue');

This will cause the "random" value to be calculated once, then used throughout the rest of the workunit.

The GLOBAL Workflow Service would accomplish the same thing, but using STORED has the added advantage that the "random" value used for the workunit is displayed on the ECL Watch page for that workunit, allowing you to better debug your code by seeing exactly what "random" value was used for the job.