SOAPCALL from Thor to Roxie

Once you have your SOAP-enabled queries tested and deployed to Roxie, you need to be able to use them. Many Roxie queries can be launched through some specially-designed user interface that allow end-users to enter search criteria and get results, one at a time. However, sometimes you need to retrieve data in a batch mode, where the same query is run once against each record from a dataset. That makes Thor a candidate to be the requesting platform, by using SOAPCALL.

One Record Input, Record Set Return

This example code (contained in Soapcall1.ECL) calls the service previously deployed in the Roxie Overview article (you will need to change the IP attribute in this code to the appropriate IP and port for the Roxie to which it has been deployed):


OutRec1 := $.DeclareData.Layout_Person;
RoxieIP := '';
svc     := 'RoxieOverview1.1';
InputRec := RECORD
  STRING30 LastName  := 'KLYDE';
  STRING30 FirstName := '';
//1 rec in, recordset out
ManyRec1 := SOAPCALL(RoxieIP,

This example shows how you would make a SOAPCALL to the service passing it a single set of parameters to retrieve only those records that relate to the set of passed parameters. The service receives a single set of input data and returns only those records that meet that criteria. The expected result from this query is a returned set of the 1000 records whose LastName field contains "KLYDE."