Deciding which of the various string data types to use can be a complex process, since there are several choices: STRING, QSTRING, VARSTRING, UNICODE, and VARUNICODE. The obvious choices are between the various STRING types and UNICODE. You need to use UNICODE and/or VARUNICODE only if you are actually dealing with Unicode data. If that is the case, then the selection is simple. However, deciding exactly which type of string type to use can be more challenging.
Data that comes in from or goes out to the "outside world" may contain null-terminated strings. If that is the case, then you need to use VARSTRING to define those fields in the ingest/output data file. However, the temptation of programmers with a lot of C/C++ programming experience is to use VARSTRING for everything, in the belief that it will be more efficient--but that belief is mistaken.
There is no inherent advantage to using VARSTRING instead of STRING within the system. STRING is the base internal string data type, and so is the more efficient type to use. The VARSTRING type is specifically designed for interfacing with external data sources, although it may be used within the system, also.
This applies equally to making the choice between using UNICODE versus VARUNICODE.
Depending on what use you need to make of your data, you may or may not care about retaining the original case of the characters. Therefore, if you DO NOT care about the case, then storing your string data in all uppercase is perfectly appropriate and QSTRING is your logical choice instead of the STRING type. If, however, you DO need to maintain case sensitive data, then STRING is the only choice to make.
The advantage that QSTRING has over STRING is an "instant" 25% data compression rate, since QSTRING data characters are represented by six bits each instead of eight. It achieves this by storing the data in uppercase and only allowing alphanumeric characters and a small set of special characters (! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ).
For strings smaller than four bytes there is no advantage to using QSTRING over STRING, since fields must still be aligned on byte boundaries. Therefore, the smallest QSTRING that makes any sense to use is a QSTRING4 (four characters stored in three bytes instead of four).
A string field or parameter may be defined at a specific length, by appending the number of characters to the type name (such as, STRING20 for a 20-character string). They may also be defined as variable-length by simply not defining the length (such as, STRING for a variable-length string).
String fields or parameters that are known to always be a specific size should be declared to the exact size needed. This will improve efficiency and performance by allowing the compiler to optimize for that specific size string and not incur the overhead of dynamically calculating the variable length at runtime. The variable-length value type (STRING, QSTRING, or UNICODE) should only be used when the string length is variable or unknown.
You can use the LENGTH function to determine the length of a variable length string passed as a parameter to a function. A string passed to a function in which the parameter has been declared as a STRING20 will always have a length of 20, regardless of its content. For example, a STRING20 which contains 'ABC' will have a length of 20, not 3 (unless, of course, you include the TRIM function in the expression). A string that has been declared as a variable-length STRING and contains 'ABC' will have a length of 3.
STRING20 CityName := 'Orlando'; // LENGTH(CityName) is 20 STRING CityName := 'Orlando'; // LENGTH(CityName) is 7