Using a Query Library

The syntax for using a query library is slightly different depending on whether the library is internal or external. However, both methods use the LIBRARY function.

The LIBRARY function returns a MODULE implementation with the proper parameters passed for the instance in which you want to use it, which may be used to access the EXPORT attributes from the library.

Internal Libraries

An internal library generates the library code as a separate unit, but then includes that unit within the query workunit. It doesn't have the advantage of reducing compile time or memory usage in Roxie, but it does retain the library structure, which means that changes to the code cannot affect anyone else using the system. That makes internal libraries a perfect testing method.

The syntax for using an internal query library simply passes the library MODULE attribute's name inside an INTERNAL function call in the first parameter to the LIBRARY function, as in this example (for the version that does not take an INTERFACE as its parameter):

NamesTable := DATASET([ {1,'Doc','Holliday'},
                        {4,'Anywhere','but here'}],
lib1 := LIBRARY(INTERNAL(FilterDsLib1),FilterLibIface1(NamesTable, 'Holliday'));

In this case, result is a MODULE with two EXPORTed attributes--matches and others--that can be used just like any other MODULE, as in this example:


and the code changes to this for the variety that takes an INTERFACE:

NamesTable := DATASET([ {1,'Doc','Holliday'},
                        {4,'Anywhere','but here'}],
SearchArgs := MODULE(IFilterArgs)
  EXPORT DATASET(namesRec) ds := NamesTable;
  EXPORT STRING search := 'Holliday';
lib3 := LIBRARY(INTERNAL(FilterDsLib2),FilterLibIface2(SearchArgs));

External Libraries

Once the library is implemented as an external library (using the BUILD action to create the library is done in a separate workunit) the LIBRARY function no longer requires the use of the INTERNAL function to specify the library. Instead, it takes a string constant containing the name of the workunit created by BUILD as its first parameter, like this:

NamesTable := DATASET([ {1,'Doc','Holliday'},
                        {4,'Anywhere','but here'}],
lib2 := LIBRARY('Ppass.FilterDsLib',FilterLibIface1(NamesTable, 'Holliday'));

Or, for the INTERFACE version:

NamesTable := DATASET([ {1,'Doc','Holliday'},
                        {4,'Anywhere','but here'}],
SearchArgs := MODULE(IFilterArgs)
  EXPORT DATASET(namesRec) ds := NamesTable;
  EXPORT STRING search := 'Holliday';
lib4 := LIBRARY('Ipass.FilterDsLib',FilterLibIface2(SearchArgs));

A couple of words of warning about using external libraries: If you are developing an attribute inside a library that is shared by other people, then you need to make sure that your development changes don't invalidate other queries. This means you need to use a different library name while developing. The simplest method is probably to use a different attribute for the library implementation while you are developing. Another way to avoid this is to develop/test with internal libraries and only build and implement the external library when you are ready to put the query into production.

If libraries are nested then it gets more complicated. If you are working on a libraryC, which is called from a libraryA, which is then called from a query, then you will need to use different library names for libraryC and libraryA. Otherwise you will either not call your modified code in libraryC, or everyone using libraryA will call your modified code. You may prefer to make libraryA and libraryC internal instead, but you won't gain from the reduced compile time associated with external libraries.

Also remember your changes are occurring in the library, not in the query. It's not uncommon to wonder why changes to the ECL aren't having any effect, and then realize that you've been rebuilding/deploying the wrong item.