
STD.Uni.CompareAtStrength( source1, source2, strength )

STD.Uni.LocaleCompareAtStrength( source1,source2,locale,strength )

source1A string containing the data to compare.
source2A string containing the data to compare.
strengthAn integer value indicating how to compare. Valid values are:
 1 ignores accents and case, differentiating only between letters.
 2 ignores case but differentiates between accents.
 3 differentiates between accents and case but ignores e.g. differences between Hiragana and Katakana
 4 differentiates between accents and case and e.g. Hiragana/Katakana, but ignores e.g. Hebrew cantellation marks
 5 differentiates between all strings whose canonically decomposed forms (NFD--Normalization Form D) are non-identical
localeA null-terminated string containing the language and country code to use to determine correct sort order and other operations.
Return: CompareAtStrength returns an INTEGER value.

The CompareAtStrength functions return zero (0) if the source1 and source2 strings contain the same data, ignoring any differences in the case of the letters. These functions return negative one (-1) if source1 < source2 or positive one (1) if source1 > source2.


base := u'caf\u00E9';   // U+00E9 is lowercase e with acute
prim := u'coffee shop'; // 1st difference, different letters
seco := u'cafe';        // 2nd difference, accents (no acute)
tert := u'Caf\u00C9';   // 3rd, caps (U+00C9 is u/c E + acute)

A := STD.Uni.CompareAtStrength(base, prim, 1) != 0;
 // base and prim differ at all strengths

A := STD.Uni.CompareAtStrength(base, seco, 1) = 0;
 // base and seco same at strength 1 (differ only at strength 2)

A := STD.Uni.CompareAtStrength(base, tert, 1) = 0;
  // base and tert same at strength 1 (differ only at strength 3)
A := STD.Uni.CompareAtStrength(base, seco, 2) != 0;
 // base and seco differ at strength 2

A := STD.Uni.CompareAtStrength(base, tert, 2) = 0;
  // base and tert same at strength 2 (differ only at strength 3)
A := STD.Uni.CompareAtStrength(base, seco, 3) != 0;
 // base and seco differ at strength 2
A := STD.Uni.CompareAtStrength(base, tert, 3) != 0;
 // base and tert differ at strength 3