result := STD.System.Util.PlatformVersionCheck( v );
v | Required. The minimum platform version in either xx.xx.xx, xx.xx, or xx format (where xx is an integer and does not need to be zero-padded); extra trailing characters (such as the '-1' in the example below) are ignored. |
Return: | TRUE if the platform's current version is equal to or higher than the argument, otherwise FALSE. |
The PlatformVersionCheck function tests a full version string against the individual platform version constants to determine if the platform's version is at least as high as the argument. This function is evaluated at compile-time if the argument is a constant. This makes it useful for embedding in #IF() declarations as shown in the example.
IMPORT STD; #IF(STD.System.Util.PlatformVersionCheck('8.2.0-1')) OUTPUT('Platform check TRUE'); #ELSE OUTPUT('Platform check FALSE'); #END