SprayDelimited / SprayVariable

STD.File.SprayDelimited( sourceIP , sourcePath , [ sourceMaxRecordSize ] , [ sourceCsvSeparate ] , [ sourceCsvTerminate ] , [ sourceCsvQuote ] , destinationGroup, destinationLogicalName , [ timeout ] , [ espServerIpPort ] , [ maxConnections ] , [ allowOverwrite ] , [ replicate ] , [ compress ] , [ sourceCsvEscape ], [ failIfNoSourceFile ], [ recordStructurePresent ], [ quotedTerminator ], [ encoding ] , [ expireDays ] , [ dfuServerQueue] , [ noSplit] , [noCommon ],[ sourcePlane ],[ destinationNumParts ])

dfuwuid := STD.File.fSprayDelimited( sourceIP , sourcePath , [ sourceMaxRecordSize ] , [ sourceCsvSeparate ] , [ sourceCsvTerminate ] , [ sourceCsvQuote ] , destinationGroup, destinationLogicalName , [ timeout ] , [ espServerIpPort ] , [ maxConnections ] , [ allowOverwrite ] , [ replicate ] , [ compress ] , [ sourceCsvEscape ], [ failIfNoSourceFile ], [ recordStructurePresent ], [ quotedTerminator ] , [ encoding ] , [ expireDays ] , [ dfuServerQueue] , [ noSplit] , [noCommon ],[ sourcePlane ],[ destinationNumParts ])

sourceIPA null-terminated string containing the IP address or hostname of the Dropzone where the file is located.
sourcePathA null-terminated string containing the path and name of the file.
sourceMaxRecordSizeOptional. An integer containing the maximum size of the records in the file. If omitted, the default is 4096.
sourceCsvSeparateOptional. A null-terminated string containing the CSV field separator. If omitted, the default is '\\,'
sourceCSVterminateOptional. A null-terminated string containing the CSV record separator. If omitted, the default is '\\n,\\r\\n'
sourceCSVquoteOptional. A null-terminated string containing the CSV quoted field delimiter. If omitted, the default is '\"'
destinationGroupA null-terminated string containing the name of the specific supercomputer within the target cluster.
destinationLogicalNameA null-terminated string containing the logical name of the file.
timeoutOptional. An integer value indicating the timeout setting. If omitted, the default is -1. If set to zero (0), execution control returns immediately to the ECL workunit without waiting for the DFU workunit to complete.
espServerIpPortOptional. This should almost always be omitted, which then defaults to the value contained in the lib_system.ws_fs_server attribute. When not omitted, it should be a null-terminated string containing the protocol, IP, port, and directory, or the DNS equivalent, of the ESP server program. This is usually the same IP and port as ECL Watch, with "/FileSpray" appended.
maxConnectionsOptional. An integer specifying the maximum number of connections. If omitted, the default is -1, which indicates the system chooses a suitable default based on the size of the cluster.
allowOverwriteOptional. A boolean TRUE or FALSE flag indicating whether to allow the new file to overwrite an existing file of the same name. If omitted, the default is FALSE.
replicateOptional. A boolean TRUE or FALSE flag indicating whether to replicate the new file. If omitted, the default is FALSE.
compressOptional. A boolean TRUE or FALSE flag indicating whether to compress the new file. If omitted, the default is FALSE.
sourceCsvEscapeOptional. A null-terminated string containing the CSV escape characters. If omitted, the default is none.
failIfNoSourceFileOptional. A boolean TRUE or FALSE flag indicating whether to allow the spray to fail if no source file is found. If omitted, default is FALSE.
recordStructurePresentOptional. A boolean TRUE or FALSE flag indicating whether to derive the record structure from the header of the file. If omitted, the default is FALSE.
quotedTerminatorOptional. A boolean TRUE or FALSE flag indicating whether the terminator character can be included in a quoted field. Defaults to TRUE. If FALSE, it allows quicker partitioning of the file (avoiding a complete file scan).
expireDaysOptional. Specifies the file is a temporary file to be automatically deleted after the specified number of days since the file was read. If omitted, the default is -1 (never expires). If set to 0, the file is automatically deleted when it reaches the threshold set in Sasha Server's expiryDefault setting.
encodingA null-terminated string containing the encoding. Can be set to one of the following: ascii, utf8, utf8n, utf16, utf16le, utf16be, utf32, utf32le,utf32be. If omitted, the default is ascii.
dfuServerQueueName of target DFU Server queue. Default is '' (empty) for the first DFU queue in the environment.
noSplitOptional. A boolean TRUE or FALSE flag indicating to not split a file part to multiple target parts. Default is FALSE.
noCommonOptional. A boolean TRUE or FALSE flag for "commoning up" of pull or push processes on same host. Set to FALSE to "common up" the operation on same host. Default can be set in configuration. Use GetNoCommonDefault to retrieve default setting. The value of this parameter can have a significant impact on performance.
sourcePlaneThe name of the landing zone containing the file
destinationNumPartsOverride the number of parts to be created when spraying. The default is 0 which means it will create the same number of parts as the target cluster.
dfuwuidThe definition name to receive the null-terminated string containing the DFU workunit ID (DFUWUID) generated for the job.
Return: fSprayDelimited returns a null-terminated string containing the DFU workunit ID (DFUWUID).

The SprayDelimited function takes a variable length file from the landing zone and distributes it across the nodes of the destination supercomputer.

The SprayVariablefunction is now called SprayDelimited and the fSprayVariablefunction is now called fSprayDelimited. The old names are still available for backward compatibility.

