STD.System.Log.generateGloballyUniqueID ()
Return: | generateGloballyUniqueID returns a globally unique identifier. |
The generateGloballyUniqueID returns a globally unique identifier (GUID) with base58 encoding. Base58 encoding is similar to base64 encoding but avoids both non-alphanumeric characters and visually ambiguous letters. It is designed to avoid errors by human users who manually enter the data by copying from some visual source. It allows easy copy/paste because a double-click will usually select the entire string.
IMPORT STD; value1 := std.system.log.generateGloballyUniqueId() : INDEPENDENT; value2 := NOFOLD(std.system.log.generateGloballyUniqueId()) : INDEPENDENT; OUTPUT(value1); OUTPUT(value2); OUTPUT(IF (value1 = value2, 'Values are not unique', 'Values are unique'));