A Real World Example

A customer asked for help with a problem--how to compare two strings and determine if the first contains every word in the second, in any order, when there are an indeterminate number of words in each string. This is a fairly straight-forward problem in ECL. Using JOIN and ROLLUP would be one approach, or nested child dataset queries (not supported in Thor at the time of the request for help, though they may be by the time you read this). All the following code is contained in the Soapcall3.ECL file.

The first need was to create a function that would extract all the discrete words from a string. This is the kind of job that the PARSE function excels at, so that's exactly what this code does:

ParseWords(STRING LineIn) := FUNCTION
  PATTERN Ltrs := PATTERN('[A-Za-z]');
  PATTERN Char := Ltrs | '-' | '\'';
  TOKEN   Word := Char+;
          ds   := DATASET([{LineIn}],{STRING line});
  RETURN PARSE(ds,line,Word,{STRING Pword := MATCHTEXT(Word)});

This FUNCTION (contained in Soapcall3.ECL) receives an input string and produces a record set result of all the words contained in that string. It defines a PATTERN attribute (Char) of allowable characters in a word as the set of all upper and lower case letters (defined by the Ltrs PATTERN), the hyphen, and the apostrophe. Any other character than these will be ignored.

Next, it defines a Word as one or more allowable Char pattern characters. This pattern is defined as a TOKEN so that only the full word match is returned and not all the possible alternative matches (i.e. returning just SOAP, instead of SOAP, SOA, SO, and S--all the possible alternative matches that a PATTERN would generate).

The one record in-line DATASET attribute (ds) creates the input "file" for the PARSE function to work on, producing the result record set of all the discrete words from the input string.

Next, we need a Roxie query to compare the two strings (also contained in Soapcall3.ECL):

EXPORT Soapcall3() := FUNCTION
  STRING UID     := '' : STORED('UIDstr');
  STRING LeftIn  := '' : STORED('LeftInStr');
  STRING RightIn := '' : STORED('RightInStr');
    P1 := ParseWords(LeftIn);
    P2 := ParseWords(RightIn);
    SetSrch := SET(P1,Pword);
    ProjRes := PROJECT(P2,
                       TRANSFORM({BOOLEAN Fnd},
                                 SELF.Fnd := LEFT.Pword IN SetSrch));
    AllRes  := DEDUP(SORT(ProjRes,Fnd));
    RETURN COUNT(AllRes) = 1 AND AllRes[1].Fnd = TRUE;

There are three pieces of data this query expects to receive: a string containing an identifier for the comparison (for context purposes in the result), and the two strings whose words to compare.

The FUNCTION passes the input strings to the ParseWords function to create two recordsets of words from those strings. The SET function then re-defines the first recordset as a SET so the the IN operator may be used.

The PROJECT operation does all the real work. It passes each word in turn from the second input string to its inline TRANSFORM function, which produces a Boolean result for that word--TRUE or FALSE, is it present in the set of words from the first input string or not?

To determine if all the words in the second string were contained in the first, the SORT/DEDUP sorts all the resulting Boolean values then removes all the duplicate entries. There will only be one or two records left: either a TRUE and a FALSE, or a single TRUE or FALSE record.

The RETURN expression detects which of the three scenarios has occurred. Two records left indicates some, but not all, of the words were present. One record indicates either all or none of the words were present, and if the value of that record is TRUE, then all words were present and the FUNCTION returns TRUE. All other cases return FALSE.

The OUTPUT uses a one-record inline DATASET to format the result. The identifier that was passed in is passed back along with the Boolean result of the compare. The identifier becomes important when the query is called multiple times in Roxie to process through a dataset of strings to compare in a batch mode because the results may not be returned in the same order as the input records. If it were only ever used interactively, this identifier would not be necessary.

Once you've saved the query to the Repository, you can test it with hThor and/or deploy it to Roxie (hThor will work for testing, but Roxie is much faster for production). Either way, you can use SOAPCALL to access it like this (the only difference would be the IP and port you target for the query (contained in Soapcall4.ECL)):

RoxieIP := ''; //Roxie
svc     := 'soapcall3.1';

  STRING UIDstr{XPATH('UIDstr')}; 
  STRING LeftInStr{XPATH('LeftInStr')};
  STRING RightInStr{XPATH('RightInStr')};
   {'1','the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy red dog','quick fox red dog'},
   {'2','the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy red dog','quick fox black dog'},
   {'3','george of the jungle lives here','fox black dog'},
   {'4','fred and wilma flintstone','fred flintstone'},
   {'5','yomama comeonah','brake chill'} ],InRec);

               DATASET({STRING UIDval{XPATH('uid')},BOOLEAN CompareResult{XPATH('res')}}));


Of course, you must first change the IP and port in this code to the correct values for your environment. You can find the proper IP and port to use by looking at the System Servers page of your ECL Watch. To target Doxie (aka ECL Agent or hthor), use the IP of your Thor's ESP Server and the port for its wsecl service. To target Roxie, use the IP of your Roxie's ESP Server and the port for its wsecl service. It's possible that both ESP servers could be on the same box. If so, then the difference will only be in the port assignment for each.

The key to this SOAPCALL query is the InRec RECORD structure with its XPATH definitions. These must exactly match the part names and the STORED names of the query's parameter receiving attributes (NB that these are case sensitive, since XPATH is XML and XML is always case sensitive). This is what maps the input data fields through the SOAP interface to the query's attributes.

This SOAPCALL receives a recordset as input and produces a recordset as its result, making it very similar to the second example above. One small change from that previous example of this type is the use of the shorthand TRANSFORM instead of an inline TRANSFORM function. Also, note that the XPATH for the first field in the DATASET parameter's inline RECORD structure contains lower case "uid" while it is obviously referencing the query's OUTPUT field named "UID"--the XML returned from the SOAP service uses lower case tag names for the returned data fields.

When you run this you'll get a TRUE result for records one and four, and FALSE for all others.