IMPORT std; P_Mult1 := 1000; P_Mult2 := 1000; TotalParents := P_Mult1 * P_Mult2; TotalChildren := 5000000;
These constants define the numbers used to generate 1,000,000 parent records and 5,000,000 child records. By defining these once as attributes the code could be easily made to generate a smaller number of parent records (such as 10,000 by changing both multipliers from 1000 to 100). However, the code as written is designed for a maximum of 1,000,000 parent records and would have to be changed in several places to accommodate generating more. The number of child records can be changed either direction without any other changes to the code (although if pushed too far upward you may encounter runtime errors regarding the maximum variable record length for the nested child dataset). For the purposes of demonstrating the techniques in these Programmer's Guide articles, 1,000,000 parent and 5,000,000 child records are more than sufficient.