Layout_Person := RECORD UNSIGNED3 PersonID; STRING15 FirstName; STRING25 LastName; STRING1 MiddleInitial; STRING1 Gender; STRING42 Street; STRING20 City; STRING2 State; STRING5 Zip; END; Layout_Accounts := RECORD STRING20 Account; STRING8 OpenDate; STRING2 IndustryCode; STRING1 AcctType; STRING1 AcctRate; UNSIGNED1 Code1; UNSIGNED1 Code2; UNSIGNED4 HighCredit; UNSIGNED4 Balance; END; Layout_Accounts_Link := RECORD UNSIGNED3 PersonID; Layout_Accounts; END; Layout_Combined := RECORD,MAXLENGTH(1000) Layout_Person; DATASET(Layout_Accounts) Accounts; END;
These RECORD structures define the field layouts for three datasets: a parent file (Layout_Person), a child file (Layout_Accounts_Link), and a parent with nested child dataset (Layout_Combined). These are used to generate three separate data files. The Layout_Accounts_Link and Layout_Accounts structures are separate because the child records in the nested structure will not contain the linking field to the parent, whereas the separate child file must contain the link.