ClearFunnel White Paper

An Industry Insight Series From ClearFunnel®, A Big Data Analytics As-A-Service Provider
Scaling Data Science Capabilities – Leveraging HPCC Systems® to Build a Homogeneous Big Data Ecosystem
This study aims to help organizational leaders understand the direct impact that choice of Big Data and Machine Learning technology stack has on the successful execution of their Big Data and Advanced Analytics vision.
Big Data is not a new phenomenon but its adoption, execution, and successful ecosystem management continue to challenge enterprises, big and small. Fast forward: the fusion of three major technological revolutions of our time: Big Data, Machine Learning, and Cloud capabilities have vastly expanded the demand from businesses for all encompassing data lakes, sophisticated analytics, as well as opened the doors to developing new Artificial Intelligence (AI) based solutions in every sector of the economy.
However, while organizations across the board continue to struggle to build enterprise-wide data lakes and capture value from data analytics, there is also a plethora of tools and technologies flooding the market, which make it even more complicated and unwieldly for businesses to take advantage of Big Data and Deep Learning capabilities.
This study is a collaboration between HPCC Systems and ClearFunnel for bringing into focus the real world, multi-year experience of a cloud-based Big Data and Data Science startup in successfully building an advanced analytics business based upon using a homogeneous technology stack.