Site Guidelines

This site is intended for professionals to learn, connect and share knowledge. We are committed to supporting a collaborative, HPCC Systems community built on mutual respect among participants. We trust that participants on the site engage in positive, constructive ways that will help make this site a reliable, trusted information resource for others. We believe this can be accomplished by all HPCC Systems community participants adhering to three key principles:

Add Value.
Share what you know via posts and responses. Don’t spam, don’t solicit, and don’t use profanity. Remember that any comments you post are public and become the property of HPCC Systems. We reserve the right to remove any comments that HPCC Systems deems inappropriate.

Respect Other Participants.
Treat others as you’d like to be treated, acknowledge different perspectives with courtesy, give credit where it’s due.

Help us make the site better for you.
Suggest topics or some aspect of the site that could work better. All feedback is encouraged and can be submitted on our contact us page.

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