For decades, the command line interface (CLI) has been a great way to run applications whether you are a developer going through unit testing or a user running an application. It provides a lower level of configuration and a higher level of transparency. Considering those two aspects of the command line tools, using CLI to deploy the HPCC Systems Cloud Native Platform can be a good starting point for new users, or an experienced one troubleshooting a deployment issue. This blog explores, from beginning to end, how to deploy the HPCC Systems Cloud Native Platform using the command line.
Things you will need
- A working computer that supports Linux, MacOS, or Windows OS.
- An Azure account with sufficient credits. To obtain this, please go to www.azure.com or talk to your manager if you believe that your employer might already have a corporate one.
- A code editor of your choice. Here, we will be using Visual Studio Code.
In this tutorial, we will:
Install the necessary pre-requisites:
- Install Azure CLI.
- Install Kubectl.
- Install Helm.
- Install VSCode.
- Install Git.
Complete the Azure steps:
- Create an Azure resource group.
- Add Azure network security rules.
- Create an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster.
- Add an additional system node pool to the AKS cluster.
- Delete the existing default system node pool.
- Add a user node pool to the AKS cluster.
- Create an Azure storage account.
- Create a Kubernetes secret based on metadata from the storage account.
- Create an Azure private endpoint for the network.
- Create an Azure standard private load balancer.
- Create an Azure private link service.
Integrate HPCC Systems:
- Deploy the HPCC Systems storage chart.
- Deploy the HPCC Systems Platform chart.
- Deploy ELK (Elastic Search, Logstash and Kibana) HPCC Systems chart.
Install Azure CLI
Azure CLI is the command line tool from Azure that allows users to manage their subscriptions, create resources, etc.
Please visit this web page for installation instructions: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/install-azure-cli
Install Kubectl
Kubectl is the command line tool that allows users to manage their Kubernetes cluster.
Please visit this web page for installation instructions: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/install-azure-cli
Install Helm
Helm is a tool that allows you to manage Kubernetes applications.
Please visit this web page for installation instructions: https://helm.sh/
Install VSCode
VSCode or Virtual Studio Code is a code editor that allows users to edit documents.
Please visit this web page for installation instructions: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/setup/setup-overview
Install Git
Git is a version control tool that allows you to track historical changes of documents.
Please visit this web page for installation instructions: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git
Login to Azure from the Terminal
- Launch the terminal or command line
- Run: az login
- Follow the instructions
Create an Azure Resource Group
An Azure resource group or RSG can be seen as a folder where a group of related resources live. For more on Azure resource groups please see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/management/overview .
az group create \
--name hpccdemo-rsg \
--location eastus2 \
--tags owner=’my_name’ owner_email=’my_name@lexisnexisrisk.com’ \
Create an Azure Kubernetes Service Cluster
Azure Kubernetes Service is a service provided by Azure that offers Kubernetes as a service. It creates and manages the Kubernetes cluster for you.
az aks create \
--name hpccdemo-aks \
--resource-group hpccdemo-rsg \
--node-vm-size Standard_A4_v2 \
--enable-managed-identity \
--tags owner=’my_name’ owner_email=’my_name@lexisnexisrisk.com’ \
Add an Additional System Node Pool
The Azure Kubernetes Service automatically creates a default node pool called system node pool. By convention, you should schedule all Kubernetes system pods, such as kubelet, kube-proxy, and others, only on the system node pools, and application pods on user node pools only. Not doing so can cause odd behaviors.
az aks nodepool add \
--name sysnodepool \
--cluster-name hpccdemo-aks \
--resource-group hpccdemo-rsg \
--node-vm-size Standard_A4_v2 \
--mode System \
--enable-cluster-autoscaler \
--node-count = 2 \
--min-count = 1 \
--max-count = 2 \
--node-taints CriticalAddonsOnly=true:NoSchedule \
--tags owner=’my_name’ owner_email=’my_name@lexisnexisrisk.com’ \
Remove the Existing Default Node Pool
The default node pool is not tainted to restrict application pods, which is the reason why we had to add a new system node pool above. Now, the default one needs to be deleted.
az aks nodepool delete \
--name nodepool1 \
--cluster-name hpccdemo-aks \
--resource-group hpccdemo-rsg
Add a User Node Pool to the AKS Cluster
Currently, the AKS Cluster does not have a node pool on which to schedule the HPCC Systems pods. Before deploying the HPCC Systems Platform, at least one user node pool is needed.
az aks nodepool add \
--name nodepool2 \
--cluster-name hpccdemo-aks \
--resource-group hpccdemo-rsg \
--enable-cluster-autoscaler \
--node-count = 4 \
--min-count = 2 \
--max-count = 4 \
--node-vm-size Standard_A4_v2 \
--mode User \
--tags owner=’my_name’ owner_email=’my_name@lexisnexisrisk.com’ \
Please Note: To learn more about Azure virtual machine pricing and types, please visit https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/details/virtual-machines/linux/ .
Connect to the AKS from your local machine
In order to deploy on the AKS cluster and manage it, a connection between the AKS and our local machine must be established.
az aks get-credentials \
--name hpccdemo-aks \
--resource-group hpccdemo-rsg
Please Note: Skip to Deploy the HPCC Systems storage chart section if you do not wish to use a storage account. Consequently, you will lose your data when the AKS is taken down.
Working with the Storage Account Utility
A storage account utility is provided in the helm-chart repository. We will be using that utility to create a storage account and a secret to link it to the Kubernetes cluster.
The following code:
- Clones the HPCC-Platform repo.
- Fetches all the available tags.
- Checkouts a tag.
- Creates a new directory outside of the HPCC-Platform.
- Copies the sub-directories and files from HPCC-Platform/helm/examples/azure to the new directory that was created in step 4.
- Copies HPCC-Platform/helm/hpcc/values.yaml to the directory that was created in step 4.
Unix-based OS
git clone https://github.com/hpcc-systems/HPCC-Platform.git\
git fetch --all
git checkout community_8.4.22-1 \
mkdir ~/cloud \
cp -r HPCC-Platform/helm/examples/azure ~/cloud \
cp HPCC-Platform/helm/hpcc/values.yaml ~/cloud/azure
Windows OS
git clone https://github.com/hpcc-systems/HPCC-Platform.git
git fetch --all
git checkout community_8.4.22-1
mkdir c:\cloud
xcopy c:\HPCC-Platform\helm\examples\azure c:\cloud
copy c:\HPCC-Platform\helm\hpcc\values.yaml c:\cloud\azure
- Open the env-sa file that you copied in the new directory and set the arguments with the correct information.
code ~/cloud/azure/sa/env-sa
Example of the env-sa file
# Azure subscription
TAGS=’owner=”my_name” owner_email=”my_name@lexisnexisrisk.com”'
# Set the same location as Kubernetes cluster
# These settings are also for generating PersistentVolume.
# Settings in ../hpcc-azurefile/values.yaml will have higher priority.
# If you will set these with "--set" for helm install you need set them
# here also if you want to generate storage account, storage share and
# Kubernetes secret.
SHARE_NAMES="dalishare dllshare sashashare datashare lzshare"
- Open the values.yaml file you copied in the new directory. Delete everything except the esp dictionary as shown below.
Code ~/cloud/azure/values.yaml
By default, the service IPs are private. With the file open, set the visibility for eclwatch and eclqueries from local to global like in the below example.
The new values.yaml file in the azure directory must look like the following:
- name: eclwatch
## Pre-configured esp applications include eclwatch, eclservices, and eclqueries
application: eclwatch
auth: none
replicas: 1
## port can be used to change the local port used by the pod. If omitted, the default port (8880) is used
port: 8888
## servicePort controls the port that this service will be exposed on, either internally to the cluster, or externally
servicePort: 8010
## Specify visibility: local (or global) if you want the service available from outside the cluster. Typically, eclwatch and wsecl are published externally, while eclservices is designed for internal use.
visibility: global
## Annotations can be specified on a service - for example to specify provider-specific information such as service.beta.kubernetes.io/azure-load-balancer-internal-subnet
# service.beta.kubernetes.io/azure-load-balancer-internal-subnet: "mysubnet"
## You can also specify labels on a service
# mylabel: "3"
# cpu: "1"
# memory: "2G"
- name: eclservices
application: eclservices
auth: none
replicas: 1
servicePort: 8010
visibility: cluster
# cpu: "250m"
# memory: "1G"
- name: eclqueries
application: eclqueries
auth: none
replicas: 1
visibility: global
servicePort: 8002
# cpu: "250m"
# memory: "1G"
- name: esdl-sandbox
application: esdl-sandbox
auth: none
replicas: 1
visibility: local
servicePort: 8899
# cpu: "250m"
# memory: "1G"
- name: sql2ecl
application: sql2ecl
auth: none
replicas: 1
visibility: local
servicePort: 8510
#domain: hpccsql.com
# cpu: "250m"
# memory: "1G"
Open the values.yaml in the hpcc-azurefile directory
code ~/cloud/azure/hpcc-azurefile/values.yaml
- Uncomment the following key-value pairs: secretName, secretNamespace, sku and shareName.
- Set secretName to hpccdemosecret. Example: secretName=hpccdemosecret
- Save the file
Example of the values.yaml in the hpcc-azurefile directory
# Default values for hpcc-azurelfile.
mountPrefix: "/var/lib/HPCCSystems"
secretName: "hpccdemosecret"
secretNamespace: "default"
- name: dali
subPath: dalistorage
size: 1Gi
category: dali
sku: "Standard_LRS"
shareName: dalishare
- name: dll
subPath: queries # cannot currently be changed
size: 1Gi
category: dll
rwmany: true
sku: "Standard_LRS"
shareName: dllsshare
- name: sasha
subPath: sasha
size: 1Gi
rwmany: true
category: sasha
sku: "Standard_LRS"
shareName: sashashare
- name: data
subPath: hpcc-data # cannot currently be changed
size: 3Gi
category: data # NB: all "data" planes will be auto mounted by engine components and others that require access to data
rwmany: true
sku: "Standard_LRS"
shareName: datashare
- name: mydropzone
subPath: dropzone
size: 1Gi
rwmany: true
category: lz
sku: "Standard_LRS"
shareName: lzshare
HPCC Systems
Create the Storage Account and secret
Deploy the storage helm chart
helm install azstorage ~/cloud/azure/hpcc-azurefile
Deploy the HPCC Systems Platform helm chart
The above command will add the HPCC helm repository to your local helm repository, then deploys the platform chart.
helm repo add hpcc https://hpcc-systems.github.io/helm-chart \
helm install myhpcck8s hpcc/hpcc –set global.image.version=’9.6.20-rc1’ -f ~/cloud/azure/values-retained-hpcc-azurefile.yaml -f ~/cloud/azure/values.yaml
Access ECLWatch
- List running services
Kubectl get svc
- Copy ECLWatch external IP and paste it in your browser followed by :8010. For example:
For more on Helm commands:
For more on Kubectl commands:
For more on Azure commands:
Meet the author
Godji Fortil, Software Engineer III
Godji Fortil works as a software engineer III in the HPCC Systems platform team. He primarily works on testing and cloud infrastructure for the HPCC Systems platform. Godji has extensive experience coding in Terraform having deployed his first application in OpenStack over two years ago. He also has been an internship mentor since he joined the company. This year, his mentorship was about cost management and optimization for the HPCC Systems cloud native platform. Next year, Godji hopes to attend Georgia Tech University for a master’s in computing systems.