Eclipse IDE for HPCC Systems

Please note that the Eclipse IDE for HPCC Systems is no longer actively supported and the assets provided on this page are offered for archival purposes.

With the ECL plug-in for Eclipse, you can use the Eclipse IDE to create and execute queries into your data on an HPCC platform using Enterprise Control Language (ECL). Eclipse is open-source, and multi-platform and it can be used instead of the ECL IDE. The ECL plug-in for Eclipse is also open source.


Update Site – (Copy and paste this link into your Eclipse update site URL)


Known Limitations

  • There is an issue that can cause Eclipse to crash when displaying the online help on Windows.

    If you encounter this issue, add the line to eclipse.ini:


    See for more information.

  • Making any changes to the preferences and/or Launch Configurations, may require a manual restart of Eclipse.