Our white papers and books are a collection of in-depth analysis’, discussions and references for anyone within the big data industry.
White Papers
Our collection of white papers provide in-depth analysis and discussion of the components of the HPCC Systems platform and how they stack up to other market place solutions.
Platform Functionality
White Paper: End-to-end Data Lake Management
White Paper: HPCC Systems Platform Overview
White Paper: Keep the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of Your Big Data Platform Under Control
White Paper: Spark Comparative Analysis
How it Works: Models for Big Data
How it Works: ECL an Overview
Data Management
White Paper: Data Lake Curation and Governance with Tombolo
Examples: Math & the Multi-Component Keys
Examples: Data Intensive Computing Solutions
Examples: Cyber Security Analytics
Advanced Topics
Advanced Topics: HPCC Systems FUSE
Advanced Topics: Social Network Analytics & Fraud
Advanced Topics: Thinking Declaratively
Advanced Topics: Using Juju Charm to Configure and Deploy HPCC Systems® on Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Advanced Topics: Using HtS3 to Deploy HPCC Systems and Save and Restore Files
Advanced Topics: Lambda Architecture and HPCC Systems
Performance: Aggregate Data Analysis
Performance: Performing in the Pig-Pen
Performance: Intelligent ETL
Performance: ECL for Hadoopers
Performance: ECL for PIGgers
Performance: HPCC Systems with Cisco Unified Computing System
Customer White Papers
Customer White Papers: ClearFunnel and HPCC Systems
These handbooks are designed as a reference for researchers, programmers, business managers, entrepreneurs and investors within the big data industry.